They can handle it… so why can’t you?

When our mane begins to recede into the background, we often find it hard to accept! But mourning the loss of your hair shouldn’t be so difficult!

Here’s a list of stars who are bald but definitively look better without hair!

1. Bruce Willis

It’s impossible to imagine a list of bald but classy stars without Bruce Willis! For at least 2 decades, he’s turned his baldness into a real asset, making him perfect for action roles without ever losing his natural charm! And when it comes to virility, no one would dare say he lacks it!

2. Jason Statham

We’ve already talked about Bruce Willis, but here’s another action movie star whose bald head is an integral part of his character! Today, it’s impossible to imagine Jason Statham with hair on his head, and yet, in terms of virility, it’s hard to beat him! And with his Transporter costume, he was also a class act!

3. Stanley Tucci

We couldn’t make this list without including this one.

Stanley Tucci is often regarded as stylish due to his timeless and sophisticated fashion choices. He exudes a sense of confidence and elegance in his attire.

Tucci’s style is characterized by a combination of classic tailoring, well-fitted suits, and an understanding of what suits his body type.

He often incorporates a mix of traditional and contemporary elements, showing a keen eye for detail and accessorizing.

He’s also an expert at choosing the most suitable sunglasses which which enhances his bald head appeal.

5. Zinédine Zidane

Even if Zinédine Zidane wasn’t always bald (and in fact still had some hair when he became World Champion), he’s proved over the last few years, particularly with his coaching position, that class and success don’t care about hairstyles!

6. Dwayne « The Rock » Johnson

If The Rock was voted Sexiest Man of the Year in 2017, it’s because being bald doesn’t kill sex appeal! This mountain of muscle also knows perfectly well how to hide all his tattoos behind suits that fit him to perfection, and he proves that even when you’ve got no hair, you can wear a beard just fine!

7. Patrick Stewart

You should never doubt your baldness, whatever your age! Patrick Stewart is perhaps one of the most striking examples: he may be in his 80s, but his looks haven’t aged a day!

His roles in Star Trek and X-Men have left their mark on 2 different generations, proving that it’s perfectly possible to be bald and still look great!

8. Samuel L. Jackson

It’s hard to find a classier man than Samuel L. Jackson! Even after decades in Hollywood and roles that have gone down in history, he’s still got the same wife by his side from the 1980s onwards, and absolutely no scandals on the horizon… If there’s one guy who can make you feel better about being bald, it’s him!

9. Kelly Slater

It’s possible to grow old and lose your hair, but still look great! Take Kelly Slater, the most famous of surfers!

When he first won trophies, he always sported a pretty mane, but now he takes to the waves with a completely shaven head. And yet, then as now, he still commands respect!

10. Vin Diesel

Jason Statham may have a place on this list, but Vin Diesel is definitely one to watch! This bald man is equally adept at stringing together action scenes, and off-camera, his hairless head is never a problem for his masculinity! He may not be the most elegant of men, but he knows how to embrace his baldness!

11. Terry O’Quinn

We’ve seen him in a number of TV series, so we don’t necessarily know his name, but one thing’s for sure: he’s the perfect representative of the sixty-something who proudly embraces his baldness!

With a clean-shaven face or a beard that shows off his white hairs, he’s the elegant man you’d like to be when you grow up!

12. Seal

To conclude this list, why not mention Seal, whose baldness was certainly not his biggest problem, given the scars left on his face by his lupus!

And yet, despite all this, he’s a man who’s always managed to remain classy and prove that a hairless head is never a handicap, whether for seduction or success!

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