A mature hairline is a natural part of the aging process for most men. As men get older, their hairline recedes slightly at the temples and forehead to form an M-shape. This typically happens in a man’s 20s or 30s.
Here are some key things to know about mature hairlines:
How a Mature Hairline Differs From a Receding Hairline
- A mature hairline recedes slightly, usually about 1-1.5 inches above the forehead crease, creating a slight M-shape.
- A receding hairline continues retreating further back, often leaving larger exposed areas of the forehead.
- With a mature hairline, the temple recession typically stops at the mature hairline border. But with a receding hairline, the temples continue retreating further back.
- A mature hairline maintains the frontal hairline with no thinning or loss outside of the temples. But a receding hairline thins diffusely behind the hairline.

When Does a Mature Hairline Typically Develop?
- A mature hairline often develops during a man’s late 20s to 30s as their juvenile hairline transitions to a more adult shape.
- It may also develop in the late teens to early 20s for some men. But mature hairlines don’t suddenly appear later in adulthood.
Is My Hairline Maturing or Receding?
- Look at old photos to see your previous hairline shape and position. Compare it to now to determine if recession is within normal mature hairline range.
- Monitor your hairline yearly. If it’s continuing to recede further back, it may be more than just maturing.
- See your doctor or dermatologist if you notice diffuse thinning behind the hairline, not just at temples. This indicates a receding rather than maturing hairline.
- Genetics play a key role. If close male relatives have similar mature hairlines, yours is likely maturing rather than receding.

🌐 Sources
- felixforyou.ca – What Is a Mature Hairline?
- wimpoleclinic.com – Mature Hairline Vs Receding Hairline
- pilot.com.au – Maturing Hairline vs Receding Hairline
- harleystreethairtransplant.co.uk – Mature Hairline
- aventusclinic.com – Do You Have a Mature Hairline?
- treatmentroomslondon.com – Mature vs Receding Hairline