Curly hair can be a beautiful and unique feature that adds character to your appearance. However, it can also be challenging to maintain, and if not properly cared for, it may lead to issues like hair loss and baldness.

While baldness can be caused by a variety of factors, neglecting your curly hair can exacerbate the problem.

In this article, we will discuss common mistakes to avoid in order to keep your curly, frizzy or kinky hair healthy and prevent baldness.

1. Avoid over-shampooing

Since curly hair is naturally dry, there’s a strong desire to use shampoos closer together to rehydrate it. But even gentle shampooing always dries hair out a little.

Try to stick to one shampoo a week, and use a Co-Wash to refresh your hair between washes.

A Co-Wash (for Conditioner Wash) is basically a wash with your conditioner. This technique removes small impurities and rehydrates your hair, without drying it out. You can then detangle and define your curls as you wish.

To revitalize your curls in just a few minutes, moisten your hair every morning with a spray bottle filled with mineral water, a few ml of styling cream and oils. Rebound guaranteed.

2. Confusing hydration with nutrition

As we all know, it’s the sinews of war. Moisturizing your curls keeps them soft and bouncy, and requires products based on aloe vera, water or glycerine. Stop believing that oils moisturize.

They nourish your hair, as do proteins and butters. These enable curls to be thick and strong enough to form, preventing breakage and split ends.

3. Believing that shampoo is skincare

FALSE. A shampoo, no matter how moisturizing or nourishing, won’t heal your curls. It will only gently cleanse and purify your scalp and lengths, ridding them of impurities and leaving them lighter and healthier.

So remember to apply moisturizing and nourishing treatments at least once a week.

4. Brushing dry hair

Avoid. This is the best way to break your curls. Instead, detangle your hair when it’s damp, after washing, with a soft bristle brush.

Knots will be gently untangled instead of being broken and damaging the curl.

5. Use too many products on your curls

Applying too many products will weigh down your curls and mask the desired results. Care products, especially leave-in products, should be distributed throughout your hair and never soak into it.

Excess will remain on the surface and weigh down the curl, creating all those effects we hate: cardboard, greasy, mousse-like… So keep it light, and apply just two dabs of product, distributing it evenly throughout!

Add a little more as you go along, depending on the thickness of your hair.

6. Using heating appliances

Your hair doesn’t grow on your head to suffer. Whether you use a hairdryer or a straightening iron, heat has a drying effect on the fiber and encourages the appearance of split ends and breakage.

Let your curls live out their lives ‘naturally’ with a natural blow-dry or a cold-air blow-dry (most hair dryers now have this option) if you don’t want to show up with wet hair.

7. Use chemical dyes

Your dream: blond hair, summer balayage, Brazilian straightening…

These results involve chemical techniques that modify the hair’s internal structure, causing considerable damage.

If you still want a little change, turn to specialized hair salons. They’ll be able to suggest the right technique for your curls and guide you toward plant-based coloring.

8. Falling asleep with loose hair

The well-known Pineapple bun. Sleeping with your hair loose crushes your curls and breaks their shape.

To wake up with beautiful curls, tie your hair into a bun on top of your head, like a pineapple, to preserve your curls.

You can also sleep on a satin or silk pillowcase to keep your curls moisturized. A little water to refresh them when you wake up, and off you go.


Preventing baldness and maintaining healthy, luscious curly hair requires proper care and attention. By avoiding common mistakes such as overwashing, heat styling abuse, tight hairstyles, neglecting moisture, using the wrong hair products, skipping regular trims, and not taking care of your overall health, you can significantly reduce the risk of hair loss and promote the health of your curls.

When excessive haircare routines coincide with the inherent hair loss associated with Male Pattern Baldness, it may create a misconception that individuals with curly hair experience a more rapid rate of balding. In reality, if left untreated, curly hair is just as susceptible to baldness as straight hair at the same rate. Embrace your natural beauty, and your curly hair will thank you with its vibrancy and vitality.

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