Tongkat ali is a popular herbal supplement commonly used to boost testosterone levels. However, there is limited research on whether it can cause hair loss as a side effect. Here is a detailed look at the current evidence:

Does Tongkat Ali Boost Testosterone?

  • Some studies suggest tongkat ali can increase testosterone levels [1], while others show no effect [2]. Overall the evidence is inconsistent.
  • Even in studies reporting increases, the boost in testosterone tends to be mild (around 10-20%).
  • Higher doses may increase testosterone more, but optimal dosage is still unknown.

Can Increased Testosterone Cause Hair Loss?

  • Yes, there is a connection between testosterone and male pattern baldness. Testosterone can be converted to DHT, which causes follicles to shrink.
  • However, tongkat ali only causes a mild testosterone boost in some cases. This small increase is unlikely to trigger significant hair loss.
  • Genetics, aging and other factors play a far greater role in baldness than minor testosterone fluctuations.

Reports of Hair Loss from Tongkat Ali

  • There are some anecdotal reports online of tongkat ali users experiencing hair loss or thinning [3].
  • However, these reports are limited and inconclusive. Hair loss could be coincidental.
  • No clinical studies confirm tongkat ali causes hair loss. Most experts say there is no good evidence of this side effect [4].

Should You Take Tongkat Ali If Balding?

  • There is no proof tongkat ali accelerates hair loss. However, those prone to baldness may wish to exercise caution.
  • Start with a low dose and monitor effects closely. Stop using if hair shedding increases.
  • Consider adding other hair-friendly supplements like saw palmetto or pumpkin seed oil.
  • Get blood tests to check hormone levels before and during use.

Overall, current research does not confirm tongkat ali causes hair loss. However, the evidence is limited, so those prone to balding should monitor closely when using this supplement. Speak to a doctor before use, especially if any hair shedding occurs.

🌐 Sources

  1. – Tongkat Ali: Benefits, Side Effects And Dosage
  2. – Tongkat Ali: Uncertain Effects on Testosterone & Hair Loss
  3. – Does Tongkat Ali cause hair loss?
  4. – Unveiling the 29 Tongkat Ali Side Effects: A Must-Read for …
  5. – Derek on Instagram: “Can Tongkat Ali cause hair loss?”
  6. – Does Tongkat Ali Cause Hair Loss? What You Need To …

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