When it comes to identification documents like driver’s licenses, passports, or ID cards, we often take it for granted that these documents include details such as hair color. However, a common question that arises is: What hair color do they put on bald people’s licenses?

This seemingly trivial issue can cause confusion and curiosity among both those who are bald and those tasked with issuing identification documents. In this post, we will delve into this intriguing topic to clarify the practice and discuss why hair color is included on identification documents.

The Purpose of Hair Color on ID Documents

Identification documents serve the essential function of confirming a person’s identity quickly and accurately.

The inclusion of hair color on these documents, initially, serves the purpose of adding another descriptor to assist in identifying an individual. However, this descriptor can become a source of concern for those who are bald.

The Dilemma for Bald Individuals

For people with bald heads, the issue of hair color can be a source of perplexity. They may wonder whether they should list their hair color as “bald” or choose the color they had when they still had hair. In most cases, individuals opt for the hair color they once had, even if it’s not currently applicable.

Guidance from Identification Authorities

Identification authorities typically provide guidelines for how to handle the hair color field on identification documents for bald individuals. In these cases, authorities suggest using the hair color that the individual had before hair loss occurred.

This is done for consistency and to assist in the identification process, as most people still recognize individuals by their previous hair color.

Falsifying information on identification documents is illegal and can lead to penalties. Therefore, if you’re bald, it’s important to follow the guidelines provided by your local identification authority to ensure compliance.

Evolution of Identification Documents

As technology advances, identification documents are becoming more sophisticated. Biometric data, such as facial recognition, is increasingly used for identity verification. This may eventually render the hair color descriptor less important in the future.


In summary, the question of what hair color is put on the licenses of bald individuals is resolved by using the hair color they had before experiencing hair loss. This practice helps maintain consistency and reliability in the identification process.

As identification technology continues to evolve, the significance of physical descriptors like hair color may diminish, but for now, it remains a part of the identification process.

Remember that adhering to the guidelines set by your local identification authority is essential to ensure the accuracy of your identification document.

Additionally, staying informed about changing regulations and technologies in the identification field is crucial for both bald and non-bald individuals alike.

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