Would you like to shave your head white to radically change your look, or to transform an incipient baldness to your advantage by opting for a charismatic Bruce Willis style? It’s a bold and daring choice that requires careful preparation to avoid any unfortunate steps.

If you’re ready to take the plunge, you’re probably asking yourself a lot of questions: What technique should I use? What equipment should I use? How do I care for my head after shaving?

Here’s how! In this guide, you’ll find all the tips and tricks you need to shave your head smoothly and look after your clean shaved head every day.


Remember, in 2007, the image of Britney Spears with her head shaved sent the tabloids into a frenzy. Yes, we’re only talking about hair, but the news went round the world and a wave of criticism washed over Britney.

10 years later, another American celebrity took the plunge: model Cara Delevingne. In an interview, she confided: “It’s exhausting when people dictate what beauty should look like. I’m tired of society defining beauty for us.

Take off your clothes, erase your make-up, cut your hair, part with all your material possessions. Who are we? How do we define beauty? What do we consider beautiful? A powerful speech that reveals a profound truth…

In 2018, Belgian influencer and model Gaëlle Garcia Diaz shaved her head to support a loved one suffering from cancer (and get rid of her hair damaged by years of coloring and bleaching).

A few days later, she recounted in a YouTube video entitled “I shave my head” that she had received countless criticisms about the hair change. Such derogatory comments are proof positive that shaved heads are by no means an accepted part of women’s lives.


As the years go by, many men decide to shave their entire heads to clear the way. But not all men have the same reasons for taking the plunge.

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Tired of having the same haircut for decades? Shaving your entire head means not only opting for a look that’s brimming with charisma, but also highlighting other facets of your personality, such as your smile, your eyes or your facial expressions.

And if you’re lucky enough to have a nice beard, the bald/bearded look long adopted by bikers is for you!


Is your hair getting thinner and thinner, especially at the top of your head and in the frontal gulfs? Baldness is on the horizon, and your options are limited. Although hair pigmentation and hair transplants are tried-and-tested techniques, they are often very costly and only work if baldness is not yet too widespread.

There’s no need to shave the first thinning hairs, but once a certain level of baldness has been reached, a shaved head is the simplest and least expensive solution.

Even if it’s a difficult step to take, don’t wait until you’re left with nothing but sideburns. And to get used to your future look, don’t hesitate to trim your hair very short as soon as possible.

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For some people, shaving their hair not only offers the opportunity to opt for a new look, but also saves time on their hair routine. Gone are the days of blow-drying and styling. Going hairless also means making space in your bathroom and saving money by doing away with styling products and hair care products.

Beware, however, of thinking that you have to do without all hair care products when you’ve opted for a shaved head, as it too deserves to be pampered with specially dedicated treatments.


Ready to get started, but wondering how to shave your own head without risking injury and with results that live up to your expectations? Don’t worry, just follow these simple steps and you’ll learn how to shave your head smoothly and perfectly.


Before getting ready to shave your head, you first need to gather all your equipment and make sure nothing is missing.

Clippers and razor

You can’t shave your head on long hair, so don’t forget a clipper to trim your mane or what’s left of it. The latter, when used in its shoe, should enable you to trim very short. We recommend using a finishing trimmer that cuts between 0.1 and 3 mm.

Then choose a razor that has already been tried and tested on your beard. If you’re already accustomed to traditional shaving, you can use your favorite safety razor and the blades you usually use. As the hair fiber differs from beard hair, we recommend you use a blade adapted to the latter.

Take a look at our article on how to choose the right shaver. Some men prefer to use a short-handled razor, which allows them to get their hand as close to the head as possible to precisely follow the curvature of the skull.

If you’re an expert shaver, you can use your straight razor, but we recommend that you use a safety razor for the first few shaves, until you’re familiar with the various strokes to be performed and the order of the areas to be shaved.

Finally, you may feel more comfortable with a multi-blade razor, which allows the head to follow the curvature of your skull perfectly. However, be sure to clean the razor regularly during shaving, to remove soap and hair trapped between the blades.

Shaving soap, cream or gel

The skin should never be shaved dry, to avoid cuts and irritation from the blade. At your convenience, choose a shaving soap or cream that will not only moisturize the skin of the head, but also help the blade glide over it.

Some of you may prefer to use a transparent shaving gel that allows you to see precisely where you want to shave. This type of gel can also be used to finish off the shave around the ears.

The use of a pre-shave treatment is optional, but can help provide additional protection. This is particularly useful for those with stiff hair fibers or sensitive skin.

A shaving brush

If you opt for a shaving cream or soap, you’ll need a shaving brush. With a shaving brush, you’ll be able to build up a creamy, protective lather. Using a shaving brush will also massage and exfoliate the skin of the scalp to soften the hair fiber.

For ease of use, we recommend using a shaving bowl to control the consistency of the foam and the amount of water required. What’s more, it’s much more convenient than assembling a mousse directly on the head.

After-shave care

After shaving, use an aftershave treatment to moisturize and soothe the skin, while calming razor burn. Choose your aftershave not only according to your preferences (cream, balm, lotion with or without alcohol), but above all according to your skin type.

In the event of a small cut, don’t forget that alum stone or a good spray of cold water is your best ally for tightening pores and soothing minor aches and pains.


To ensure that the blade glides as smoothly as possible when shaving, and to avoid any annoying snags, keep your hair as short as possible.

After cleansing your scalp with a mild shampoo to remove dead skin cells, wipe your head with a soft towel and wait a few minutes for the skin to dry. Next, equip yourself with a clipper that doesn’t have any claws.

These should be able to cut very short. The ideal length is between 0.1 and 3mm. This length depends essentially on your skin and hair type.

If you haven’t had short hair for a long time, shearing your head should give you an idea of the shape of your skull. If you still have some doubts, you can wait a few days before taking the next step, to get used to your new look and avoid regretting your decision.

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The famous adage “a well-prepared beard is half shaved” also applies to shaving the head! To minimize risks, the skin on your skull needs to be perfectly moisturized.

Take advantage of a hot shower to prepare your skull for shaving and to cleanse its surface of any unwanted residue. Hot water will also soften your scalp, open the pores and soften the hair fiber, making it easier to cut.

If you don’t feel like taking a shower, or don’t have the time, you can use a shaving towel soaked in hot water. Apply the towel to the entire shaving area for a few minutes before shaving.


Here comes the dreaded moment… Start by applying the foam you’ve prepared in a shaving bowl, using a shaving brush and your favorite cream or soap.

The foam applied in this way will considerably improve the glide of the blade. If you’re not yet used to using a shaving brush, we’ll explain everything you need to know in this article.

Before you start shaving, remember to study your hair layout carefully and to keep your skin taut in front of the blade to ensure a smooth, unobstructed surface.

Start shaving at the front of the head, following the direction of hair growth. Slide the blade from the top of your head to the top of your forehead, maintaining constant, gentle pressure.

Then continue along the sides of the skull, from front to back, taking care to fold your ears to clear the area to be shaved and avoid creases.

Finally, the most delicate part of the shave, the back of your head. Start at the neck and work your way to the top of the head. This is the least flat area of the skull, so be careful and delicate.

After applying a new layer of foam, don’t hesitate to make a second pass in the opposite direction to the first, to achieve baby-soft skin.

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Once you’ve finished shaving, you can check all the shaved areas to make sure there’s not a hair in sight. After rinsing your head with a damp towel, simply run your fingertips over the area to feel whether or not there are any hairs, and shave them off if necessary. If you can, don’t hesitate to ask someone else to help you perfect your shave.


After-shave care is the last, but by no means the least important, step in the shaving process. Indeed, caring for your head directly after shaving is essential to soothe and protect your scalp.

Once you’ve finished shaving, wash your head with hot water to remove all traces of foam, and again with cold water to calm razor burn and close the skin’s pores.

Finish by applying an aftershave treatment such as aftershave lotion or balm, to moisturize, heal and protect your freshly shaved head.


If you want to keep your head shaved, you need to shave frequently. However, there’s no standard frequency for keeping your head as smooth as possible for as long as possible. It all depends on how fast your hair grows.

To make life easier, or if you have sensitive skin, shave once a week. You can shave every day without any problem, as long as you follow the above recommendations and take care to protect your scalp before and after shaving.


Use 2 mirrors

By positioning a removable mirror behind you, opposite a fixed mirror, you can watch the back of your head as you shave. The movements are reversed, but it doesn’t take long to get the hang of it.


Shaving your head for the first time with a manual razor can be quite intimidating, so why not practice to reassure yourself and avoid injury. It’s as simple as blowing up a plastic balloon, covering it with shaving foam and attempting to shave. A simple but effective workout.


Even if a shaved or bald head greatly simplifies your hair routine, it still needs daily care. Without its hair, an open-air skull is at the mercy of external elements such as pollution and certain rays emitted by the sun. The scalp can dry out and develop unsightly folds.


Contrary to popular belief, shampoos aren’t just for cleaning hair. There are shampoos for bald heads specially formulated to cleanse the scalp, removing excess sebum, impurities and dead skin. When shampooing, massage the scalp to soften and firm it.

Finally, a light exfoliation of the scalp once a week, preferably the day before shaving, is useful to prepare the skin for shaving and get rid of encrusted dirt while promoting microcirculation.


The skull needs to be properly moisturized to prevent it from drying out too quickly, and to avoid tightness. Use a moisturizing cream to replenish the hydrolipidic film that forms a protective barrier.

A moisturizing treatment such as a nourishing oil can also deeply nourish the epidermis and soften the skin.


Your skull is the first part of your body to be exposed to the sun. So it’s vital to protect it from the damaging effects of UV rays, which can cause skin dryness and burns.

If you must expose yourself to the sun, apply a sunscreen suited to your skin type and color, preferably with a high protection factor. You can also opt for a hat which, in addition to protecting you from the sun, can add a touch of style to your look.

Now you know all the secrets to a perfectly smooth skull, and how to maintain it every day for an assertive look!

Shaving your head requires dexterity and patience. If you don’t feel comfortable doing it, don’t hesitate to call in a professional hairdresser. At least you’ll be sure of the result!

If you’re focused on the way other people look at you, there’ll never be a good time to shave your head. And if you’re afraid of taking the plunge, tell yourself that your hair will grow back and that it’s not a choice that will determine the rest of your life.

Beauty is subjective. What matters is that you feel good about yourself. And remember, hair is not a necessary attribute for being a man or a woman.

Enjoy yourself! After all, it’s all about looks, isn’t it?

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