Hair loss is a sensitive subject, especially for men. And yes, we often roll our eyes, but when it comes to our image, it’s a different story. Hair loss causes anxiety, stress, mental anguish and a variety of other emotions.

Although it’s relatively common, affecting 40 percent of men by the time they reach their thirties, there are many myths surrounding this subject, which causes a great deal of commotion among the male population.

Hair loss in men has many names, from the more scientific, such as androgenetic alopecia or male pattern baldness, to the more popular, “baldness”. Genetics and hormones cause this condition.

The process of hair loss is not yet 100% understood. We’ll be reporting on progress in a future article.
In the meantime, let’s take a look at some cases and situations that are, to be sure, myths…

Various myths revolve around it. Many of these myths have been told for many years.

1. Male pattern baldness genes comes from the mother’s side

The texture, color and other characteristics of men’s hair stem from genetics on both sides of the family, and yes, genetics are the lotto balls in the giant brewer, so your baldness isn’t just “Mom’s” fault.

Also, looking at the family tree won’t give you all the answers you’re looking for. However, if there’s a history of male pattern baldness in your family, chances are you’ll experience it…or not.

2. Stress is the culprit

While hair loss is caused by stress, stress doesn’t cause hair to fall out directly. It first causes a hormonal imbalance in the body, with repercussions for your hair canopy. Stress can be imagined this way: “Driving a Twingo at 140 km/h on the freeway for 8 hours in…1st gear”.

However, male pattern baldness is not the 1st result of stress. Stress-induced baldness often affects people who find themselves in highly stressful situations, such as major accidents and severe psychological trauma.

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3. This only happens as men get older

Although baldness is associated with men aged 30 and over, men can start losing their hair at any age. Some lose their hair in their teens. Men with a family history of hair loss may show early signs of baldness

4. Wearing a hat makes you bald

The good news is that wearing a hat won’t make you bald. The only way you’ll go bald wearing a hat is if you wear it so tightly that you pull your hair out – this is called traction alopecia. The same applies to bonnets and other types of headgear.

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5. Bald men have more testosterone…yeahhhh!!!!

Although there is a relationship between male sex hormones, androgens and hair loss, the theory that bald men have more testosterone than other men is false, damn!!!!

This type of baldness is caused by dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is an essential hormone during childhood, puberty and adulthood, but men susceptible to male pattern baldness will suffer hair follicle damage due to this testosterone-derived hormone.

6. Excessive washing causes hair to fall out

Many men looking for natural ways to prevent hair loss naturally stop washing their hair because of this myth.

Frequent hair washing removes the hair’s natural oils and sebum, making hair drier. But in no way does washing your hair, even frequently, cause accelerated follicle loss.

A little tip: when you wash your hair, gently massage the entire scalp to improve blood circulation. This will relax your scalp and improve blood flow to the hair roots.

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7. The use of many hair care products causes baldness

The use of everyday styling products, such as gel, mousse and wax, has no effect on hair loss. Be careful, however, because when hair products like hair dyeing ones contain substances that are too aggressive, hair can fall out.

You’ve probably already heard of a bleaching job that turned into a nightmare because of a mistake in product dosage.

Some products should only be applied by trained professionals. Most styling products available to the general public can be applied to the hair without damaging it.

8. Hair loss is permanent regardless of the cause.

Not all hair loss is permanent. Whether men have male pattern baldness or another type of baldness, hair doesn’t disappear forever (at least not right away).

However, again beware, as there are circumstances where the long-term effects of male pattern baldness become permanent. When this happens, the hair on the vertex is lost. If not treated in time, the hair will not grow back.

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9. Can NoFap cause hair loss?

Premature hair loss is mainly caused by genetics, not anything related to masturbation. On average, most people lose 50 to 100 hairs a day, while at the same time growing new ones. This is part of the natural hair growth cycle.

But if this cycle is interrupted, or a damaged hair follicle is replaced by scar tissue, it can lead to hair loss in both men and women.

Often, your genetics are at the root of this interruption. The hereditary condition is known as male or female pattern baldness. In men, baldness can begin as early as puberty.

Read Also: 10 must read books for people dealing with hair loss

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